Welcome to the Visual Conception Group

Visual Conception Group conducts developmental research in the field of multimedia, vision and machine learning. We address various problems such as object recognition, fine grained recognition, adversarial attacks, cross modal search and other applications related to autonomous stores, visual surveillance, semantic encoding, image and video forensics.

The research activities carried out within the group are funded by various Government agencies such as DST and MEITY. Our group maintains active research collaboration with NUS Singapore, QUT Australia, NII Japan and UiT Norway


20 July 2024

Paper accepted in BMVC 2024

10 July 2024

Our team wins challenge organised by Vehant Technologies as a part of the conference NCVPRIPG-2024.

14 December 2023

Paper accepted to ICASSP 2024

19 September 2023

🎓 Congratulations to Dr Astha Verma for successfully defending her PhD 🎓

10 July 2023

Our new paper Meta Perturbed Re-Id Defense accepted in IEEE ICME 2023.

12 January 2023

Paper accepted in IEEE TCSVT 2023 A V Subramanyam, Meta Generative Attack on Person Reidentification

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